Descriptive list of items submitted for examination, including serial number, brand and model
Serial Number: 01 150929 1189
Weight: 11,6kg
Made in (assembled): SPAIN in 2015
1. Cleaned the dust off the printer and brought it to the MDEF room
2. Disassembled using our toolbox
3. Separated into three main parts as follows:
4. The plate - Horizontal surface that also gets heated and can be moved in all directions and where the plastic is printed on;
5. The structural part - The part that supports the entire printing machine;
6. The extruder - Contains the motors to print 3D filament;
7. Laid out all parts individually and documented.
What did you learn?
+How a 3D printer is assembled
+How a 3D printer works
+How to power up each component individually
+Fundamental electronics
+How a step motor works
What surprised you?
+The number of components, screws and pieces the printer had
+The fact that we can make the extruder work with just 3 components
+How easy and repareable it is
+How much the 3D technology has improved since 2015