Microchallenge 3: Conductivity and Analysis of Soil ; reflection
Dhrishya, Flora, Manuja

I stepped out of my normal comfort zone for this project and I worked with Manuja and Flora on soil conductivity and energy generation and researching soil quality by using our bodies and sensors.

For this project, I worked on the physical prototype that gets interacted with by someone standing on it or by touching the soils with both hands, and I learned a lot about the circuit and how it gets completed and all the different ways in which the conductivity of the soil gets affected and the factors related to it. It was really interesting for me to understand all of this because creating a link between the body and the earth may help us understand the world better and maybe helps the world understand us better.

I really love the implications of understanding the data generated by soil by using the existing conductive nature already in our bodies. Since I am working on an urban safety project, I would use my new knowledge to explore the relationship between soil quality and urban safety levels in respective areas.

It is also interesting to consider soil as a means of communication using conductivity in terms of urban safety. This could be a game changer as soil is something that is everywhere except Barcelona sadly.

I loved switching from virtual world to physical world and making a physical prototype with the CNC and making the Rhino file was super amazing and fun thanks to Josep. You can find details of the CNC here. I learned a lot of new topics and electronics and softwares like TouchDesigner during this challenge and also explored in MAX 8 a lot of different visual processing code.